WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Planning Paper 3 Date 29 May 2009 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: REPORT ON CALLED-IN PLANNING APPLICATION Prepared by: ANDREW TAIT, PLANNING OFFICER (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT) DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED: RENEWAL OF TEMPORARY CONSENT FOR GATEWAY FEATURE, NORTHERN LINK AND SOUTHERN ACCESS ROADS, AVIEMORE HIGHLAND RESORT REFERENCE: 07/347/CP APPLICANT: AVIEMORE HIGHLAND RESORT LTD DATE CALLED-IN: 21 SEPTEMBER 2007 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS Fig. 1 - Location Plan (Not available in full text format) PAGE 2 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PROPOSAL 1. This application essentially covers two sites within Aviemore Highland Resort, Aviemore. The first proposal involves the erection of two six metre long granite random rubble walls to 1 metre in height. The signs would be focused inwards to the resort acting as an exit feature for visitors leaving the resort. One side would be positioned on each side of the road with the words ‘haste ye back’ in the same materials as lettering on the southern access gateway feature. Each sign would have 5 sunken uplighter spot lamps. This feature has not yet been built. 2. The second element of the application has already been built as a result of the Highland Council temporary permission for the two features. This second feature is the existing stone gateway into the southern (main) entrance to the resort (see figs 2 & 3). 3. Highland Council granted a temporary permission for the features which expired last year. The reason given for the temporary 3-year nature of the permission was because the features were considered contrary to the Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan which seek a closer integration of the resort lands with the wider community. The proposal is described as “renewal of temporary consent”. However, the original permission had expired by the time this proposal was submitted. Therefore, I am treating the proposal as a fresh application for a further temporary permission. Fig 2. Colour photo of Southern ‘entrance’ gateway feature front elevation PAGE 3 Fig 3. Colour photo of Southern ‘entrance’ gateway feature rear elevation Fig 4. Colour photo of site for northern ‘exit’ features either side of exit road. PAGE 4 Figure 5. Architect's drawings showing proposed Northern ‘exit’ feature elevation Figure 4. Architect's drawings showing proposed Northern ‘exit’ feature plan DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONTEXT 4. Highland Structure Plan Policy G2 Design for Sustainability considers that proposed developments (amongst other things ) demonstrate sensitive siting and high quality design in keeping with local character and historic and natural environment and in making use of appropriate materials. PAGE 5 Badenoch and Strathspey Local Plan 1997 5. The principles of the Aviemore section seek to strengthen the village as a major shopping and service centre and to promote the village’s economic renaissance. The site is allocated on the Proposals Map for Commerce/Tourism with the Aviemore/Milton Burn designated as Recreation/Open Space and this zoning extending north westward towards the A9. The centre is identified on the Map, as are the main access roads. The introductory Prospects section noted that “Major revitalization of the whole village centre is needed to transform Aviemore’s image and promote the village as a high quality mountain resort. A major investment programme to redevelop, refurbish and integrate the centre with the wider community will open up a range of development opportunities and provide a comprehensive approach to local servicing and environmental problems.” The Principles section noted that among the main priorities are : • to promote the economic renaissance of the village as a mountain resort incorporating high quality design and an overall architectural theme • to strengthen the village as a major shopping and service centre • to improve traffic circulation, parking and servicing arrangements, whilst giving over more of the village centre to the pedestrian • to transform the image and texture of Aviemore, “green up” the village, and restore links with its setting and wider environment Cairngorms National Park Plan 2007 6. Strategic Objectives for Landscape, Built and Historic Environment seek to ensure that new development in settlements and surrounding areas and the management of public spaces should complement and enhance the character, pattern and local identity of the built and historic environment. Strategic Objectives for Economy and Employment include Objective a) which seeks to create conditions conducive to business growth and investment that are consistent with the special qualities of the Park and its strategic location. CONSULTATIONS 7. Highland Council Area Roads Manager has no comments on the proposal. REPRESENTATIONS 8. Aviemore Community Council note that the plans submitted for the gateway features show roundabouts in different locations from those on the plans for the new roundabouts and by-pass road, under reference 07/232/CP. The Community Council agreed that the temporary consent for the gateway PAGE 6 features should not be extended-indeed they are no longer manned at any time even when events, conferences, or particularly important guests are present which we understood was the reason why they were imposed on the access brae. APPRAISAL 9. There are two separate elements to this application. The first element on the northern link road is yet to be constructed. The gateway feature at the southern access to the AHR site has been in position for some years as a result of Highland Council’s temporary consent which expired in 2007. This application has been held back to ensure that the CNPA did not grant permission that would conflict with the potential masterplan development for the site. The original version of the masterplan proposals indicated a roundabout on the site of the existing gateway feature at the southern access. The roundabout feature was not however part of the consent that the CNPA Planning Committee resolved to grant consent for in February. This now leaves the CNPA free to determine this proposal without it conflicting with any wider development of the site. 10. Aviemore Community Council had raised concern about discrepancies between plans in the location of roundabouts at the northern ‘exit’ feature and this is correct. However, the location of the feature is clear in that it is set between the roundabout and the burn at the northern exit from the resort. 11. The gateway feature that effectively acts as an ‘exit’ feature to the site on the northern link road is relatively limited in extent and scale amounting to 1 metre high sections of walling on each side of the road with the words ‘haste ye back’ facing into the resort for those existing by the northern link road. Five lights would be set into the ground to provide some illumination of each feature. 12. This is a very modest feature and it would appear reasonable to request such a feature for the site, and it has already received a planning permission (or be it of a temporary nature) from Highland Council in 2007. I see no particular reason why a further temporary permission should not be granted. The material for the as yet unconstructed northern exit feature is the same as the existing southern entrance feature. Details of the proposed illumination will be sought by planning condition. 13. The existing southern feature forms a well established gateway to the resort. I have no particular concerns with the feature which blends reasonably well with its surroundings and adjacent trees and can see no reason for dismantling the feature at this particular point in time. Conserve and Enhance the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Area PAGE 7 14. The proposal is considered acceptable in terms of this aim and it blends reasonably well with its surroundings. Promote Sustainable Use of Natural Resources 15. The southern feature is considered acceptable in its current position requiring its removal could be considered detrimental to this aim given the use of materials and labour in its construction. Promote Understanding and Enjoyment 16. The gateway features assist in identifying the resort for visitors. Promote Sustainable Economic and Social Development 17. The proposal has little direct relevance to this aim but may assist in attracting visitors to the resort. RECOMMENDATION 18. That Members of the Planning Committee support a recommendation to GRANT Temporary Planning Permission for gateway features northern link road and southern access road at Aviemore Highland Resort 1. The gateway features shall be removed by ../../.. ( 3 Years from Date of Decision Notice) 2012 and the land suitably landscaped to the satisfaction of the CNPA. 2. Full details of the method and timing of illumination of the northern gateway feature shall be agreed by the CNPA prior to the construction of the northern ‘exit’ feature. Andrew Tait Date 19 May 2009 planning@cairngorms.co.uk The map on the first page of this report has been produced to aid in the statutory process of dealing with planning applications. The map is to help identify the site and its surroundings and to aid Planning Officers, Committee Members and the Public in the determination of the proposal. Maps shown in the Planning Committee Report can only be used for the purposes of the Planning Committee. Any other use risks infringing Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Maps produced within this Planning Committee Report can only be reproduced with the express permission of the Cairngorms National Park Authority and other Copyright holders. This permission must be granted in advance.